Minor deviations now can result in significant error in the future. The entire book of Judges stands as a stark reminder of just how far deviations will take you if left uncorrected.
Field Notes
Field notes is both wordplay and a description of the purpose and plan for this blog. By definition, field notes are a written record of observations made, experiences had, and insights gleaned while in the field.
As a church-planter, God has allowed me to labour in the mission fields of Siberia, Russia and now Newfoundland, Canada. In both of these fields, there are things I have observed and experienced that I wish to record, both for my benefit and to possibly be a blessing to others.
But field notes are not just cold, sterile descriptions of things that have occurred, they also include interpretations of what is observed, and personal reflections – essentially trying to answer what it means to you as the observer.
As a Christian, my desire is not just to share what something subjectively means to me, although that will happen at times; but to also share what that something means in light of the objective truth of God’s Word. Therefore, what I write will be filtered through and based upon what God has taught or is teaching me through His Word.
So feel free to sort through the notes and even leave one of your own, if you wish. My prayer is that God will use this blog in some small way to encourage others and bring glory to His name!